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He Was Good’s Child Too


I don’t know who gave me my first lesson. It was so long ago that I have forgotten it completely. It must be someone stupid. That must be why I turned out so stupid myself.

But I remember my little sister Kala’s first lesson and who gave it.

It was me!

“See what that idiot is doing,” I heard Aiya’s shriek.

Then it was Amma.

“What have you done, Uddaka? You ruined everything!” she shouted.

Kala started crying and I followed.

What have I done? I was just helping Kala identify the letters in her brand-new alphabet book. What’s wrong with that? I couldn’t understand it at all, then. I do now. They must have feared that she was going to be as stupid as I, taking the first lesson from me. But how did she end up becoming so good in her studies? She says she wants to be a doctor. Stupid people do not become doctors, do they?

“It’s okay, Uddaka,” said Thaththa, taking me on his lap. “And, Laksiri, never let me catch you using that word on anyone again.”

“So, that’s my fault now?” said Aiya angrily, storming out.

Thaththa kept quiet. He was always like that. He never overreacted. He understood a lot of things I did not. He knew that I was trying to help. He understood that I did not like being called an idiot , however stupid I was.


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