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Before All Wonderlands – ඉස් ඉස්සෙල්ලාම


A Burmese boy named Bentham was really marvellous. He was able to write Greek and Latin at the age of five.

Stewart Bill also was another one who had been capable of reading Greek since the age of three.

Bavinton Maccauley who was only six years old, had written a simplified book on world’s history.

The famous musician Beethovan conducted musical shows at seven while the great music composer Mosart prepared musical graphs before even six.

The well-known French writer Voltare was a person who read Pontin’s stories at the age of three.

Most of them were children of poor illiterate parents.

They all had empowered the knowledge by transmitting from the pre-birth.’

I just noted down in my Idea Book.


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